Summary: Meixue, Meiqi, a tentacled monster... Who can save them? All the characters are older than 18 years old.
Unlike with "Cuties Blondies", I was able to find the attack names for Meixue and Meiqi. Still, my knowledge of Balala the Fairies is limited.
A tentacled monster is sowing chaos in the Human World. More precisely in China. Meixue and Meiqi Ling, two sisters with the power to transform into Magic Fairies, must stop it.
"Let's transform!" Meixue said to her sister.
"Balala Power! Uka Laka, Fairy Change!" Say Meixue and Meiqi at the same time.
The two women are transformed. Meixue is in pink, Meiqi in blue. They each have a magic wand. They leave to seek the monster.
The two sisters quickly find it. Its tentacles penetrate several women.
"How horrible!" Said Meixue.
"Let's attack it together!" Says Meiqi.
"Balala Power! Sha Do Lo! The Fairy Holo!"
Their magic wands cast magical light vibrations. The monster's tentacles release its victims and the women flee.
"Great!" Said Meiqi. "Balala Power! Do Sha Ka! Light Energy!"
Meiqi's wand glows and shoots a light wave at the tentacled monster. The monster is hurt and angry.
"My turn!" Meixue said. "Balala Power! Hu Ka La! Fairy Auro—! AHHHHHHHH!"
Tentacles have taken hold of her and are tearing off her magical fairy outfit.
"NOOOOO!" Meixue shouts, while dropping her wand.
"I'll save you!" Said Meiqi. "Balala Power! Do Sha Kata! Flashing Auro—!"
The monster grabs Meiqi, the Magic Fairy drops her wand, and the monster rips off her outfit. The two sisters panic. They know that the creature will rape them. Their friends, Xiao Lan and Bei Bei, where are they? They could save them!
"XIAO LAN!" Meixue yells.
"BEI BEI, BEI BEI, HELP!" Meiqi shouts.
"COME AND SAVE US! " Meixue shouts.
But nobody comes to save them. The monster's tentacles caress their flesh, play with their breasts and nipples, tease their pussies, then penetrate them. The two Magic Fairies scream and moan. The tentacles penetrate them repeatedly, until they cum and their breasts make milk, then the tentacles suck their nipples. Meixue and Meiqi orgasms continuously.
Suddenly, two voices are heard.
"Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!"
"Venus Love and Beauty Shock!"
The two sisters are freed by a water attack and a light attack.
"Who... Who are you?" Manages to ask Meiqi to the two women in sailor suits.
"We could ask you the same question." Says one of them, the one with blue hair.
"But let's deal with this monster first!" Said the blonde woman in the sailor suit. "Venus Wink Chain Sword!"
Large chains will gag the tentacled monster.
"Shine Snow Illusion!" Says the blue-haired woman.
The monster is frozen.
"We can finish it off now." Said Meixue.
Meixue and Meiqi get their magic wands back.
"Balala Power! Sha Do Lo! The Fairy Holo!"
Their magic wands cast magical light vibrations. They break the ice into pieces, destroying the tentacle monster in the process. Meixue and Meiqi breathe a sigh of relief. The creature is dead, but they were raped. They hold back tears.
"We're sorry." Said the blonde woman.
"If only we had arrived sooner..." Said the blue-haired woman. "We’re Japanese and we’re visiting China."
"I see. Thank you for saving my sister and me. I am Meixue Ling."
"I'm Meiqi Ling. And you two?"
"I'm the guardian..." Starts to say the blonde woman before changing her words. "Sailor Venus."
"Sailor Mercury." Says the blue-haired one. "We keep our civilian identity a secret."
"But," said Meiqi, "you know our identity!"
"That's true." Says Sailor Mercury. "I think we should tell them. What do you think, Venus?"
"Hmmm... Why not? I'm Minako Aino."
"Ami Mizuno. It’s nice to meet you. Uh, should we detransform?"
Meixue nods in response. She detransforms, followed by her sister, Ami and Minako. Meixue and Meiqi are still naked. The sisters scream. Ami and Minako try to calm them down.
"We'll get you some clothes." Says Ami.
"Yes, and we can stay with you, at your place, for a while." Says Minako. "So if you need to talk to someone..."
It is useless. Meixue and Meiqi continue to yell. They've been raped. Raped. Tears flow from their eyes. How will they tell Xiao Lan and Bei Bei?